Where there's never a lack of broccoli.

December 21, 2003

Happy Holidays

I always mean to post more often, but just don't take the time to do it. It's hard when working full time and going to school full time. I'm on break from school right now, waiting for the next semester to start in January. I got all As for last quarter, so that was nice. The beginning of next quarter is going to be hard because the quarter-end at Moore is starting at the same time and I'm going to be working every day for 2 or 3 weeks probably, with no days off, along with the beginning of my new classes. I'm hoping to get some reading done before the semester starts so I just have to do assignments, but I'm not sure how far i'll get.

I've got a new job at work, which I guess I haven't mentioned. I'm doing "postage reconciliation" for the Verizon bills we send out. It's essentially matching up what the post office says we paid, with what bills were sent out, so that Verizon knows how much everything cost. It's mostly paper shuffling and entering data into a spreadsheet, but its not bad. I get a raise (which i haven't actually gotten yet) and get to sit all day instead of standing, so that's nice. It's supposed to be a half-time position, with the other half of the day spent doing what I always did, but so far I've had to spend all day doing it. When I started it took a few days to train, and the person that had been doing it had been out for a week, so I started out behind and have been slowly catching up ever since. Once it is caught up it'll only take a few hours each day to do. But of course now that I'm almost there, the quarter is coming up and we'lll probably fall behind again, since I won't be doing it at all. Hopefully the person I am doing it for will at least partially keep up while I'm gone.

I opened an account with UPromise to start saving a little money for school. Companies donate money when you shop with them once you've signed up and you can use it for school. Anyone can do it, but usually it is meant as a long-term plan when you have a kid for saving for their entire life. Any money helps though.

Last weekend we went to NH to see my sister and my father again, we did a quick trip for one night and left in the morning because it was going to snow. We almost got all the way back before it started, but not quite. It wasn't bad though. We got to do another early Christmas gift exchange and see everyone again, so that was fun.

I did my Christmas shopping for Sabrina yesterday, so that was fun. It was pretty busy out, but not really bad. The roads around shopping areas were very slow, and the parking lots were packed, but inside wasn't really too bad. They have so many people working that I didn't have to wait in line hardly at all anywhere. One place I was the only person in the line, and another the line just went really quickly. I'm glad I'm done now though, shopping this week would be hard.

That's about all that's new here I think. Happy holidays to everyone.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 01:11 PM | Comments (0)