Where there's never a lack of broccoli.

November 21, 2003

Home Sweet Home

We're back from Maine. We were gone for about a week, and went to see my father in Bangor, and my mother in Eastport. It took about 6 hours to drive there and 7 back, which isn't too bad. We stopped a few times each way for food and rest stops. We stayed at the Country Inn again. We like it there, and it's fairly inexpensive and convenient. We had an early Christmas, so that we wouldn't have to drive in the snow. We probably won't go again until spring sometime, although we may go to New Hampshire to see my sister sometime around Christmas.

Before we left we went to a Barenaked Ladies concert, which was fun. We had fairly good seats, except that the people in the row in front of us spent half the show standing and/or dancing in front of us, so we couldn't see very well. Why is it that tall people are always in front of short people? We engjoyed it anyway, it was fun to see, and the music was good. The new CD is really good, and they played all the songs from it as well as some of the old ones. They're playing every song they've recorded at some point during the tour.

Work is much like it was before we left. Things are starting to rev up for the next quarter, so things are a little disorganized. They have to send out the quarter-end and year-end reports for a bunch of companies, like ING, Phoenix, and American Skandia. The quarter is busy enough, but the year-end is apparently huge, which isn't too surprising. We spent part of today moving all the supplies and setup for Verizon so that where it had been can be used to process ING stuff. It seemed silly to just move it all over, but it is a slightly bigger area, and instead of having 12 people work on Verizon, there will be 30 people working on ING in the same space. This quarter should be interesting, because I'm sure they're going to try to make themselves look good since Moore Wallace is being bought by RR Donnelley. They've already started trying to keep better track of people's work, and how long it takes, to become more efficient. It's about time too, there's alot that could be changed there for the better. I wish I had more say in what goes on, but surprisingly enough I don't. :) This coming quarter I'll be one of the leads, so I'll be somewhat in charge, but I'm not sure what of, or what I'll actually have to do. Hopefully I'll find out soon, so I can plan accordingly. We'll see though.

That's about all that's new here. Maybe I'll actually update again in less than a month.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 08:52 PM | Comments (0)