Where there's never a lack of broccoli.

June 15, 2004

NOW I'm done.

I turned in my final papers and exams friday and saturday, so I'm done with school for the summer. I'm already bored, wondering what to do since I don't have to rush around doing school work. I'm sure it won't take long to get back into a more relaxing pace for the summer. As far as class grades go, I got a 96.25, a 96.775, and a 97. So that's pretty good. My final paper for humanities I got a 9.9/10, so I was pleased with that. Not bad for spending one day doing research, and one day writing. It ended up being 6 or 7 pages, I can't remember which now. There was no set lenght, so I just ran on until I didn't have anything else to talk about.

In the fall I'll start taking Oracle classes, which should be interesting. It'll be the first of many classes in it I'll take, since they focus pretty exclusively on it for the database classes. Hopefully that'll go well, I'm not really sure what to expect from it. I'll also be taking a logic class, and another english class, so I'm sure that'll be boring. One year down, three to go.

That's all that's new here.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 08:51 PM | Comments (0)

June 07, 2004

Almost done!

I'm almost done with my third quarter at Strayer. I've turned in one final, and have 2 more to go. One is an essay for humanities, which is due Saturday, I'll have to pick a topic soon. I'm not impressed with the choices, so it's a little hard to pick one of them to write about. I got a 188/200 on my the final for English, which isn't too bad. I had a paper for that class, that was 90/100, and 98/100 on the 5 paragraphs that I also had to write. Good enough, I should have a 96 or so for a final grade. I have some programming to do too, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Part of it is short-answer, rather than programming, and that is the hard part. It's difficult to stretch out answers to an appropriate length.

Not much other news here, things are about the same at work as always. The only change is that I was asked to do some of the work one of the account manager usually does while he was away for a week. It isn't terribly difficult, but I certainly have no interest in doing it for a living. I'll let someone else fill out all the paperwork and setup jobs. The worst part is dealing with the sales people, who negotiate the jobs and the pricing. I don't think they have much of an idea of what goes on once they get a job authorized, so they aren't always good about the pricing. Part of the problem is that some of the accounts are worth a lot of money, so you take crappy jobs to keep them happy, so you get the big jobs. Otherwise, I'm still doing my spreadsheet, and entering the results into the online reporting system. Fun fun. It's almost time for another quarter, but I don't know what I"ll be doing for that yet.

Maybe I'll remember to post when I have the actual grades for my classes. I'm not taking anything this summer, so it'll be strange to have some free time again. Working 40/hours a week is practically a vacation compared to working and doing school at the same time. I don't know how people do it when they have to commute to school too. I sleep little enough as it is.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 09:20 PM | Comments (0)