Where there's never a lack of broccoli.

August 26, 2003

Life in the fast lane

I got the last book for my classes this fall. It's a book on C++ programming, and its used for 3 different classes, so at least I get my money's worth. I'm looking forward to the class, I've wanted to do more C++ programming for a while, but haven't had any reason to. The book is pretty much the standard book for a college programming class, and I've wanted it for a couple years now, so I'm glad I finally have it. It'll be interesting to see how much the class I'm taking covers, if the book covers 3 courses. It is a big book, but not that big.

I started the 7 day job at TransAmerica yesterday. It's copying giant files for an audit that they are doing, or something like that. The files are pretty big, and have a bunch of staples, and paperclips, and they are in other folders, or punched and inserted into folders with big metal fasteners. We have to make exact copies of the original, including how they are clipped etc, and put back the original exactly like it was. It's a big pain to do, but it could be worse. After a year at Kinko's it isn't bad. The copiers they have are nice enough, so that helps. I can't remember what model it is, but its something like the Ricoh Aficio 1055. I know it's a Ricoh Aficio, but don't remember the exact model. I'm not sure if we'll finish the job in just 7 days, they are pretty big and it is slow going. There are only around 60 to do, but I've only done 5.5 or so I think., in 2 days. They said yesterday it might take a couple more days than they thought. I don't think they expected the files to be quite as huge as they are. Some are much smaller than others, but they still take a long time. The people are all nice though, and they have free soda in the break room, so it's a good enough job.

We went to Boston on sunday as planned. We went to a Thai restaraunt that was really good, and then to the Museum of Science. It was nice to see my sister and Gabe again, it's been quite a while. We may go up in the next weekend or so depending on how plans work out because my father will be visiting for the holiday weekend. I don't know if we'll be able to go or not though. Sabrina and I made a stop at Trader Joe's before we came home, and got a bunch of stuff. We got some atkin's friendly cookies, and gummy bears, and bars. They had brands of bars that we hadn't seen anywhere else, so we tried them out. They were ok, but not really great. We also got some Macadamia nuts, so I tried one of those today. I've never really liked nuts much, except peanuts, but we had gotten some mixed nuts from Wal-Mart and those have been fine, and included macadamias. I don't remember the last time I ate anything that tasted so nasty to me. I didn't spit it out, but it was a close thing. At least I won't waste calories eating them. :)

Posted by Jesse Walton at August 26, 2003 10:10 PM