Where there's never a lack of broccoli.

July 21, 2003

The Atkin's diet is going

The Atkin's diet is going ok so far. I've lost 3-4 pounds since Thursday or so. I didn't really pay attention to what I weighed when I started, so I'm not sure exactly how much I've lost. It isn't too hard to stick to for now, but I certainly won't be staying on it for too long. I like pasta, bread and dessert too much to stay on a carb-free diet. Hopefully I can do it long enough to get to where I wanted to be, but if I don't loose weight quickly I won't bother sticking to it. If I keep up a pound/day I'll be done pretty quickly, but I doubt I will. I only have 8 days until I go to Maine, and I seriously doubt I"ll stay with it while we're gone. I can always go back to it after though, so I'm not worried about that.

Other than that, not much new. Sabrina's birthday is thursday, so we'll probably go out for dinner. I don't know what else we'll do. We were thinking about going to the casino, which is always fun.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 09:32 PM | Comments (0)

July 18, 2003

Decided to start trying the

Decided to start trying the Atkins diet today. Sabrina started a couple days ago, so we might as well do it together. It takes around 3 days to purge your body of stored sugar and carbs, and after that you should loose fairly quickly. It's a tough diet to stick with since there is so much that I like and can't eat with it, but I don't plan on doing it as a way of life. I've been doing slim-fast for a year now, and haven't lost anything for the last 3 months. I had lost 47 pounds at my best, but am down to 41 pounds now. I gained some back after going to St Paul, and haven't gotten any of it off since, and actually still gained a little back after that. I was hoping switching diets would help start things up again, I only want to loose around 15 more pounds. Even just another 10 would be ok, since that was my original goal. I'd like the extra if I can though. If I do manage to loose it, I doubt I'll stick with atkins. I have managed to eat fine with a relatively low-cal diet, and prefer that since I can eat more of what I like. We'll see how it goes though.

Sabrina and I went biking today. We were gone almost an hour, and went just under 10 miles. It's a fairly leisurely pace, but the longest ride either of us has done since we started. We were taking our time because neither of us has gone much lately. When I was doing my job for Kelly Services I didn't bike at all because I was gone all the time and was really tired after I got back. I didn't do much exercise at all while I was doing the job, now I have to get back into it again. And then I'll probably stop again when we go to Maine at the end of the month. Hopefully after that we get back we can get back to our diets and exercise.

I wasn't expecting the job to end so soon. We had been told it would be 19 days, but we only ended up doing it for 9 days or something like that. We put in quite a few hours, but it certainly wasn't as much as we expected. We were told on saturday to go home at noon, and not to come in on sunday, but we'd be back monday. But then monday they called and said tuesday, and tuesday they called and said we wouldn't be back at all. I'm not sure what the problem was, we had heard that they were having alot of production problems and were really far behind, but you'd think they would need people more after that, rather than less. Oh well, we made some quick money and it was pretty stress free. I don't know if we'll be asked to do it again next quarter or not. Since it ended early we never got to talk about it with them.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 12:06 AM | Comments (0)

July 13, 2003

I did my second week's

I did my second week's class today finally. It had to be done by sunday, so I had to finish by tomorrow. I also did most of the stuff for next week as long as I was at it. I'll still have to watch the slideshow presentation next week, but I wanted to wait until the class' week started on monday before doing it, since you have to sign in on the week of the class to get credit, rather than doing it alll at once. This week's lesson was almost interesting, talking about how to make queries in Access. I already know how to write out queries by hand, but this was talking about how to use the query wizard and datasheet view to do it, rather than writing out the sql for it by hand. I learned a couple things I didn't know already, so that's nice. So far the class seems fine. I like being able to do it whenever I want.

The job at Moore Wallace is going fine. We started the week off with very long days, from 6am to 5-7pm for the first 3 days. Yesterday and today they had cut down on how many people were there because there wasn't much work to do, but we still were invited to go. Sabrina's father and I are pretty much the quickest and most accurate people there, so they like to have us around. Today we were done at noon so we had most of the day free. I wasted it by falling asleep and not getting up until I had to get Sabrina from work, but it was nice to get a little sleep. We have Sunday, and most likely Monday, both off because they are having production problems. I don't really mind, the money would be nice, but I like the time off too. Originally they had said it would be for about 19 days straight, and that's hard to do for any job, let alone when you have to be there at 6am. I have to get up about 7 or 8 hours before I had been to go, so it's a bit of a change for me, and I"ve been going to bed pretty early to make up for it. I'm not tired at all while we're there because we keep busy, but once we get home I'm pretty much ready for bed.

I did get my first paycheck from it yesterday, so we wen't out tonight to Ninety Nine celebrate. I got steak tips, and Sabrina got fish and chips. Both were pretty good. They're going to open up a new one right next to the Michael's that she works at, so once that is open we'll probably eat there more. We've gone to a different one 3 times now I think, and it's nice, but it'll be better when we don't have to go quite as far. Yesterday we ate at Quiznos, which finally opened in West Hartford. We've been looking forward to it opening for a while now. We saw it being built into one of the strip malls a couple months ago and it finally opened a couple weeks ago. We didn't know it was open until this week, and so we went yesterday. I haven't been to one since I lived in Cleveland, but always liked it alot. They toast all the subs so its warm and the cheese is melted. They're really good, so we'll definately be going there again. One of the people that works there thought we had been there before, but we haven't. We suspect she worked at one of the other restaurants we frequent and had waited on us there and happened to remember, but it was weird to be asked. She seemed familiar to us too, but we don't know where from.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 12:32 AM | Comments (0)

July 02, 2003

I did the rest of

I did the rest of the stuff for my class today. I started it on Monday when the first class became available. There was a slideshow with sound to watch talking about the first chapter of the text book, and a quick example database to do some stuff to for homework. It was about as easy as you can get. The video was about an hour long, which isn't bad. It was rather uninformative if you actually read the book, but it is usefull to watch and see what the teacher considers important to know. You can also download the slides from the presentation, and the notes, so you have them while you watch/listen. I had them open and typed a few more things into them while it was playing so I would have them. Much easier than sitting in class and taking notes by hand. So far it's been a fine experience.

In other news, the job that I thought I would be doing for Kelly Services, and then didn't think I would, and then thought would on friday, I may be doing on thursday. :) It's at Moore Wallace, who does mailings for healthcare companies and other similar things. I'm not sure what we'll be doing, but I think it is basically stuffing envelopes for 8 hours/day. Not bad for $9.50/hr. Plus it includes a bunch of overtime. The only problem is that it is non-stop until the job is done, with no days off, so I'll be working on the 4th of July. Normally I wouldn't care, but Sabrina has a 4 day weekend, and now I'll be working from 2pm-10pm every day, so we can't really do anything. The job should be for about 16 days, so it'll be close to $1500. Sabrina's father and I are both doing it, but I don't know for sure if we'll be doing it starting tomorrow or not. We have to call in the morning and see if they actually want us there at 2 or not. If not, we may end up doing it for the 1st shift, 8am-3pm, starting friday. Or it could be something completely different, we don't know until we actually get a confirmation.

I think we're going to go to Maine for a week at the end of the month too. We're planning to go July 30th through August 5th, with 2 nights in Bangor, and the rest in Eastport, so I can see both my parents. We're also planning to go to the Bangor State Fair. I like to see the art exhibit that they have each year, and of course the food. I don't know if we'll do any rides or not, but those are sometimes fun too. We'll also get to eat at Dysart's, which is a truck stop that is open 24 hours/day and has great food. Breakfast is what's best there, but the other stuff is good too. They're apparently known for their baked beans, but I don't eat them so I wouldn't know. We were thinking about bringing our bikes with us since it's so nice to ride around there, but it might be too much of a hassel. It's hard to bring bikes on a long trip and bring them in everywhere, and worry about someone stealing them off the car or just having them fall off. We'll see though.

Posted by Jesse Walton at 11:25 PM | Comments (0)